

Humanity and Culture characteristics and announcements:

  1. 青岛市是一座现代化国际大都市,也是一座开放包容的城市,这里的人热情好客,欢迎国外友人的到来;

    Qingdao is a modernized international metropolis, an open and vigorous city. People here are hospitable and welcome the arrival of foreign friends.  

  2. 青岛空气湿润,温度适中,四季分明。4-10月份是青岛旅游的旺季,特别是8月份,海水温暖,是海滨旅游的黄金季节;

    Moist air, mild temperature and distinctive seasons. Every April to October is the peak tourism season in Qingdao, especially in August when the sea is warm, so it is the golden season for tourism.

  3. 8月份也是青岛国际啤酒节的举办时间,游客可以在此期间尽情享受节日的狂欢氛围;

    The Qingdao International Beer Festival is hold in August also, so visitors could enjoy the rejoice with wild excitement of the festivals during this time.

  4. 青岛的海鲜是非常出名的,这里还汇聚了山东各地的特色风味,来这里,你可以边欣赏海天一线的美景,边品尝美味;

    Seafood here is quite famous. Besides seafood, there are a lot of local specialties from different areas of Shandong Province. Being here, it is possible to taste the delicious food while enjoy the beautiful view of the sea and the sky merged into one.

  5. 青岛的住宿资源很丰富,但是夏季,特别是8月份,各方游客众多,游客需要提前预定好房间,以免找不到合适的住宿。

    Accommodation resources are rich in Qingdao but in summer,especially in August, there are huge number of visitors. So we suggest you reserve rooms in advance in case of not finding a suitable accommodation.
